Masterbulk Pte. Ltd., in cooperation with Magsaysay Maritime Corporation (MMC), held the 2019 Officers’ Conference last March 26-28 at the Le Salon of New World Manila Bay Hotel, Manila, Philippines. The 3-day conference, with the theme ‘Keeping Afloat and Tackling Challenges’, highlighted the challenges onboard and offered solutions so officers and crew members can operate an efficient and successful vessel operation.

The participants were welcomed by Oscar Palacios, Fleet Operations Manager of Masterbulk; Lars Modin, Chief Executive Officer of Masterbulk; Rolf Westfal-Larsen Jr., Chief Executive Officer of Westfal-Larsen Management AS; and Doris Magsaysay Ho, President and Group CEO of the MAGSAYSAY Group of Companies. The annual conference has become an important gathering to bring together its management team, vacationing officers and crew members to meet, share views and create an opportunity to discuss current condition of the company’s vessel operations. Managers from Westfal-Larsen and Zeaborn Ship Management and guests from Veritas Petroleum Services, Speedcast, Gard, ABB, DNV GL, and Jotun were also invited.

On the evening of March 27, the Service Awards Night was held to recognize the great service of the 62 Masterbulk and 26 Westfal-Larsen officers and crew members who have served the companies for 10, 20, and 25 years. The annual awarding ceremony was established to formally honor seafarers who contribute substantial time and efforts to the company and to the benefit of the global shipping industry. The awards were presented by Masterbulk’s Lars Modin, Oscar Palacios, Astrini Prajogo, Westfal-Larsen’s Kai Kuhrts, Odd Magnar Tysse, Sandra Talce, and MMC’s Arnold Javier and Marlon Roño.

During the Service Awards Night, top executives of Masterbulk and Westfal-Larsen also extended their gratitude and appreciation to the wives and families for their unconditional love, support, and sacrifices while seafarers are working at sea. A supportive family plays a significant role in the success and career development of officers and crew members.​